Call or e-mail at any time for a free, no obligation consultation

Alicia Donahue:

Office: 603-320-2881

Fax: 603-386-6282


From the North
  • Everett Turnpike (Route 3) south to Exit 8
  • The exit sign reads "Amherst/Milford"
  • The exit ramp goes only in a westbound direction
  • Proceed straight through the first (blinking) set of lights; merge onto Somerset Parkway, get into left lane and at the next lights, turn left into Trafalgar Square
  • Go 100 yards ahead to a T intersection with a large clock opposite you – bear left
  • You will pass the Crowne Plaza on the left
  • The Glass Tower is a six story green glass building just ahead on the left (additional parking available in lot beyond the building)
  • The office is located on the 4th floor
From the South
  • Rte. 93N; Rte. 95(128)S; Rte. 3 North at Burlington Mall
  • Everett Turnpike (Route 3) North to Exit 8
  • The Exit sign reads "Amherst/Milford"
  • Proceed approximately 4/10 of a mile to the second set of lights and turn left into Trafalgar Square
  • Bear left 100 yards ahead at the clock tower
  • You will see the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the left
  • The Glass Tower is a six story green glass building, just ahead on the left
  • The office is located on the 4th floor
  • Crowne Plaza Hotel - The Glass Tower office building is adjacent to the Crowne Plaza Hotel
    Somerset Plaza
  • Route 101-A — the Glass Tower is directly behind the Somerset Plaza located on Route 101-A, but is accessible by Exit 8 or Exit 7W off the Everett Turnpike














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